Monday, 23 March 2015

Evaluation question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

For my final product i also had to create my own ancillary texts which was; create a digipak promoting my music video and artist and also a music magazine advert promoting my digipak. The didipak was to mainly promote the chosen song and music video.

I personally think that my music video and ancillary texts do coincide very well. Mainly through the colour schemes used. You will see that in my music video especially at the beginning and some quick shots in between there are a lot of browns,.golden, greens an yellows. I think the main reasons for the usage of these colours is due to the time of year i filmed these shots, mainly autumn and spring, therefore you get these colours that are also associated with the weather in these seasons. I wasn't aiming for this to happen but i think it has added a certain effect and feeling towards my videos and digipak that i don't think i would have been able to achieve if it wasn't for the weather, which is a natural force. So i decided to used the colours in these shots and implement them onto my digipk and music magazine advert. I was also aiming for an indie genre for my digipak and music video, i think my final products do convey this genre very well as i asked my family members and friends what genre my music video was, at least everyone said that they got the impression it was abstract/indie. I then asked them to compare it to my ancillary texts, they said that both ancillary texts link extremely well and  that if they saw the two in a shop they would instantly link them both to each other. They thought however that my music video was the least recognizable out of the three, however they said it wasn't a massive difference because they noticed in most hots that the colours scheme were the same.

 A lot of the imagery used in my planning and research that didn't make it into my final product, made it into my ancillary texts, such as the primary photos i had taken. I wanted to incorporate them somehow and thought it would be a great idea to add them to the digipak. I used the photos i had taken of the forest in South Cave and one of the car parks in Hull. At first i didn't think that they would look that great and wouldn't really represent anything, however due to the heavy editing i did to them on Photoshop, i could finally make them look and feel representative of the music video i had also made.

Overall i think that the combination between my ancillary texts and my final main product is just what i was aiming for and i think it works greatly. I think that i have kept a strong hold between the continuity of the three products, either through colour, fonts an imagery.

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